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Bernard Alphonso

Bernard has been rubbing shoulders with individuals of different cultures over the past three decades. Over his career Bernard has developed strong cross-cultural communication skills.

Early last year Bernard decided to focus on cross-cultural training and personally conducted a local research focused on cross-cultural issues by interviewing some fifty Western senior executives based in Phnom Penh on their interactions with Cambodians.

Bernard will present key findings from the research and will provide recommendations as to how Western executives can become more efficient and successful in managing multi-cultural teams by increasing what can be called ‘cultural intelligence’.

Bernard Alphonso is a French national. He graduated from the Paris based Institute for Political Science in International Relations.

Bernard has extensive international management experience in marketing and sales and as senior executive, entrepreneur and consultant/trainer.
During his career of 35 years he has travelled to more than 30 countries spanning 4 continents and has lived in 5 countries: Japan, Hungary, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Cambodia for the last seven years.

BBAC members know all too well that leading across cultures can be most challenging and will certainly benefit from Bernard’s short and entertaining presentation.