• Excess Invoice Templates in PCLaw

    Posted on October 4, 2010 by Greg Regan in PCLaw, PCLaw Help, Technical Issues.


    If you’ve had the role of issuing invoices in PCLaw, you would know that PCLaw comes with a multitude of invoice templates. I see this as a good thing as PCLaw has already created many invoice templates for various scenarios. However, it annoys users as there are too many templates to choose from when issuing invoices.

    Here are 2 possible work arounds:

    1 Move unwanted templates
    If you go to your PCLaw data folder, you will find a folder called “STATDATA”. This is where the invoice and other templates are kept and they have an “.rbf” extension. Identify the ones you don’t want and cut and paste them to another folder. Now they will be unavailable for selection from within PCLaw.

    However, the next time you upgrade PCLaw, the STATDATA folder will be re-populated with these unwanted templates so you need to repeat the process after each upgrade.

    2 Use Matter Bill Settings
    You shouldn’t have to select an invoice template each time you bill. The invoice template should default from the “Billing Template” field of the Billing tab on the Matter Manager. The Billing tab contains the fields that affect how a given matter bills. You can populate this tab each time you create a new matter or you can set up Matter Bill Settings (Options>Lists>Matter Bill Settings) for each type of billing scenario you’re likely to have. For example, you may have hourly and fixed fee matters as well as local and offshore clients. You may name your invoice templates for each scenario as follows…


    Local Foreign
    Hourly 0LocHRLY 0ForHRLY
    Fixed Fee 0LocFIXF 0ForFIXF


    You could set up a Matter Bill Settings for the above 4 scenarios and an invoice template for each scenario. Attach the appropriate template to the relevant Matter Bill Settings. Then when you create a new matter, select the relevant Matter Bill Settings from the “Bill Settings” field on the Billing tab. All the fields on the Billing tab will be copied from the Matter Bill Settings you selected including the invoice template. (For Fixed Fees, remember to manually adjust the Fixed Fee as it will change with each matter).

    Now when you invoice, you don’t need to select an invoice template.

    Notice above, I’ve prefixed the names of the billing templates with a zero so they appear at the top of the drop down list above all the other templates. In fact, just doing this alone may be sufficient to make handling your customised templates easier.

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