• Issue with Fixed Fees and Discounts

    Posted on May 12, 2011 by Greg Regan in PCLaw, PCLaw Help, Technical Issues.


    On the Billing tab, if you select both “Apply Discount to Fees” and a Quoted Type of Fixed Fee, the invoice seems to issue incorrectly. That is, the resulting invoice seems to overbill. I found this issue for one of my clients, I’ve tested it on my own dataset and I contacted PCLaw Support and it seems to be a bug (not an anomaly in one set of books).

     Until it’s fixed, here is the workaround:

     Raise the invoice and you will be prompted (a) if you want to adjust the fees to match the fixed fee and (b) if you want to accept the discount. Click “Yes” on both of these, then finalize the invoice. When this done, PCLaw will have automatically raised a fee entry to adust the time/fees worked back to the agreed fixed fee.

     Now undo the bill. Then go to the Billing tab again and change the Quoted Type to “No Quote”. Now raise the invoice again.
    The invoice will be for the correct amount.

     If you think it necessary, go back to the Billing tab and change the Quoted Type back to “Fixed Fee” and re-enter the fixed fee amount.

     Not fun I realise but until the bug is fixed, this is the best way I can find to handle such matters and PCLaw agreed this is an acceptable solution.

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