Database Development

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How I Can Help...

Greg Regan is an Australian Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) and Programmer in MS Access, Visual Basic and Excel.

He first began using MS Access and Visual Basic in the mid-90's to develop non-standard reporting solutions. He has developed solutions for various clients in varied fields.

Greg recently developed CISIS (Cambodian Irrigation Scheme Information System) for the Cambodian Ministry of Water And Meteorology (MOWRAM) to help manage the nation's 2,500 irrigation schemes. The project was funded by the Agence Française de Developpment (AFD).

MOWRAM and the AFD subsequently engaged Greg on a follow-up project: CISIS BME, a benefit, monitoring and evaluation system to help assess the correlation between the investment in irrigation and the improvement in the quality of life for communities served by those schemes.

For both of these projects, Greg provided training, written documentation and video support.

Learn more about CISIS here